Individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements (ICHRAs)
This innovative solution provides an expansion of HRA health benefits for employees. It represents a more modern model of health insurance.
How it works
The idea behind ICHRAs is based on reimbursing employees for insurance rather than buying it for them. It allows employers to structure reimbursements based on employee class, family size, employee age, or to provide everyone the same amount. An IHCRA can cover
insurance premiums and out of pocket healthcare expenses if the employer chooses to offer that via their ICHRA plan.
Features include:healthcare expenses if the employer chooses to offer that via their ICHRA plan.
- Employers design their plan, including defining who is eligible and establishing reimbursement limits.
- Employees purchase their own qualified individual medical plan.
- Employees submit claims for reimbursement.
- Employers reimburse employees for valid claims.
Submit claims and receive reimbursement
Employees can pay for eligible health care expenses with a personal credit card, check or cash. Then they submit a claim by email, mail or fax. Along with the claim, they send a receipt that shows:
- The name of the doctor or other service provider, pharmacy or store
- The date of service or purchase
- A description of the service(s) or item(s) purchased
- The amount charged (or what the employee is responsible for paying)
ICHRA claim form
Frequently asked questions